Carrot is much more than just a website – it’s a real estate marketing platform that we like to call the Lead Generation Hub. Whether you’re a real estate investor, wholesaler, flipper, or hybrid agent, you need more than just a “pretty” website to deliver your content and engage with customers. Carrot provides you with the SEO tools you need to attract the right traffic, a high-performing website to convert visitors into quality leads, and the lead management resources to move through the sales cycle quickly and close more deals than ever before!
Just a short history on it was years ago, if you've been with Mike Butler for a while, you will remember the 5m websites.
And we did a great job with that, but what happened is we got a ton of folks on board. And there was a website I built with my fat little fingers, and, boy, did it get good SEO optimization. But the problem was, this was back when I had Melissa. Well, using WordPress, you have all these different plugins to use. Don't worry about what a plugin is. Just hear the gist of the story.
And what would happen is WordPress would do an update to their WordPress software, but all these plugins sometimes drug their feet. And so what it would do, it was called problem and crash and all this and that. So about the same time, Trevor Mauch, who owns Carrot website investor Carrot website, he contacted me and said, hey, Mike. Why don't you, promote my websites?
And I said, well, I think they're awesome, Trevor. However, they're not investor friendly. Not investor he said, what do you mean? I call it the Investo Carrot website. Well, hold on a minute there, Trevor.
You're on the West Coast, and I know that your numbers on the West Coast as a rule of thumb in Los Angeles and San Francisco and and the big San Diego, those big cities, the numbers for a rental property just don't work. And so you can't buy, and whatever you could spend on a rental property in, say, Los California cities, you could come to my town and buy 10 houses and have them paid for. Okay? So the numbers didn't work. So what investors do on the West Coast, there's a rule of thumb in those kind of cities, is they'll buy, fix up, and sell, or they're wholesale.
Okay? And that's okay, but that's not investing. That's a job. That's no different than having a car lot. And you go to the wholesale auction every week, buy buy a car at a wholesale price, put some lipstick on it, and sell it on your lot.
Well, what happens when you stop moving? What happens if you're in a car wreck or you break your leg or something happens I mean, life happens. Okay? And you can't do that, physically do that for some period of time, your income's just gonna evaporate because that's a job. That's earned income.
So I told him, he says, well, what do you think investor friendly means? I said, invest. Look it up in the dictionary. Invest, for the most part, means buy and hold.
IRS says it has to be 2 years, 2 tax years. Doesn't say 20, 25 months. It says 2 tax years. So, anyway, he says, do you know about, WordPress? And I said, well, I know enough to be dangerous.
He says, well, I'll tell you what. He says, I'm gonna give you one of my websites here in WordPress, and you make it do everything that you want it to do. Don't worry about what it looks like. My team will will polish it. So I said, holy cow, Batman.
That's awesome. So we created the Mike Butler template inside of the investor caret family. And so what I did then was struck a deal with Trevor to where anybody who gets a gold, diamond, or platinum membership with Mike, you get the free investor caret website. Now if you go to investor carrot website, or the, one website costs you $69, and he's got, like, 5 or 6, maybe 7 different ones. And my goal was to let you have one website that does it all.
Carrot provides all of your SEO and has great brain-simple guides with a traffic light - Green, Yellow, Red
- simply fill in the blanks and watch your SEO go from Yellow to green
Do this as a test
Go To Your Google Machine and enter "Buy My House Louisville"
- disregard the paid advertisers at the top and bottom
- look for the organic search results and you will see Tom Olmsted in Illinois wants to buy houses in Louisville, KY and he is on the first page out of
he's #7 out of 78 million website - on the first page
Remember, you cannot rely 100% on Google, even ads, to find your motivated sellers
your website is open 24-7- 365
- even with no rental properties, your website allows folks to do a little background check on you 24-7-365
the magic happens when YOU DRIVE Everyone to Website via:
Your Carrot website can make folks pay your application fee first before they get the fill-on-the-blanks online rental application.
Your Carrot website keeps ALL of your leads from sellers, applications, and every web form completed
One more thing, go to Google and punch in:
"Buy My House (city)"
"Sell My House (city)"
and you will see, 8 or 9 out of 10 websites on the 1st page of Google results are:
--- click on those websites and look at the very bottom and you will see "powered by Carrot" on 8 out 10 of the 1st page websites
Get your Free Investor Carrot Website
when you join Gold, Diamond or Platinum
Gold Membership Special
30 days for Only $1 (yes, One Dollar)
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